Endoscopy technicians are medical assistants who assist doctors catering to patients who are being treated for or undergoing diagnostic procedures for gastrointestinal diseases. They know how to operate a medical device known as an endoscope which is a thin and flexible tube that can visualize the internal organs of a patient. With a very positive job outlook and good pay, a career as an endoscopy technician is one of the most promising healthcare professions to go into today.High school students who wish to become endoscopy technicians usually take up a certificate or associate’s degree program in medical assisting, surgical assisting or related field first and then get training—usually offered online—to become an endoscopy technician when they are already working. How much you will pay for these programs will depend on whether you will obtain your degree from a public or private institution.
Public schools typically offer huge discounts to in-state students which will substantially bring down the cost of tuition. The cost of certificate and associate degree programs can range from a little over $1,000 to around $10,000.
One way to reduce the cost of obtaining your certificate is to opt for online classes which enable you to continue to work so you can pay for tuition and other fees. The cost of an associate degree in medical assisting at Penn Foster College, for example, is $1,260 if payment is made in full. For those who already have medical experience and want to train to become endoscopy technicians, the Society of Gastroenterology Nurses and Associates, Inc (SGNA) has an SGNA Associates Program which teaches participants how the GI/endoscopy lab works. This online program is composed of eight modules which students must study and then take an exam. Those who pass are awarded a certificate of completion and are recognized as a GI Technical Specialist (GTS). The modules can be bought for $80 for members and $160 for nonmembers.The Gulf Coast State College offers the endoscopic technician program (ENDO-CT) which already includes the SGNA Associate Credentialing Program which can be done online. The cost of the program is $3,370 for in-state students and $9,633.04 for out-of-state students.
This covers tuition, fees, textbooks, lab fees, graduation costs and scrubs/lab coat.You can greatly lower the cost of endoscopy technician school if you actively look for financial aid opportunities. Visit the financial aid office of your school to check if there are scholarships or grants that you might be eligible for. Some schools also provide discounts to military veterans or spouses of active duty military service members. The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA), a program of the U.S. Department of Defense, gives as much as $4,000 in financial assistance. Taking classes online is also another way to fund your college costs because it allows you to continue working while doing so.
Besides, when you don’t opt for on-campus classes, you can arrange to stay with your folks so you can save a lot on housing and food expenses.