How to: Work with Serial and Lot Numbers. 16 minutes to read.In this articleYou can assign serial numbers and lot numbers to any outbound or inbound document, and its posted item tracking entries are displayed in the related item ledger entries. You perform the work in the Item Tracking Lines window.The matrix of quantity fields at the top of the Item Tracking Lines window displays the quantities and sums of item tracking numbers being defined on the lines. The quantities must correspond to those of the document line, which is indicated by 0 in the Undefined fields.As a performance measure, the program collects the availability information in the Item Tracking Lines window only once, when you open the window. This means that the program does not update the availability information during the time that you have the window open, even if changes occur in inventory or on other documents during that time.Items with serial or lot numbers can be traced both backwards and forward in their supply chain. This is useful for general quality assurance and for product recalls.
For more information, see. NoteTo use item tracking numbers in warehouse activities, the Lot Warehouse Tracking and SN Warehouse Tracking setup fields must be selected, as they define the special principles in handling serial and lot numbers in warehouse activities.Choose the icon, enter Purchase Orders, and then choose the related link.Select the relevant document line and on the Lines FastTab, choose the Line action, and then choose the Item Tracking Lines action.You can assign serial or lot numbers in the following ways:. Automatically, by choosing Assign Serial No. Or Assign Lot No. NoteTo assign item tracking numbers in warehouse activities, the SN Warehouse Tracking and Lot Warehouse Tracking check boxes must be selected on the item’s item tracking code card.Select the relevant document and, on the Lines FastTab, choose the Order action, and then choose the Item Tracking Lines action.You can assign item tracking numbers in the following ways:. Automatically, from predefined number series: Choose the Assign Serial No. Or Assign Lot No.
Action. Automatically, based on parameters you define specifically for the outbound item: Choose the Create Customized SN action.
Manually, by entering serial or lot numbers, without using a number series.For this procedure, assign a serial number automatically by choosing Assign Serial No.The Quantity to Create field contains the line quantity by default, but you can modify it.Select the Create New Lot No. Field to organize the new serial numbers in a distinct lot.Choose the OK button to create a lot number and new individual serial numbers according to the quantity to handle on the related document line.The matrix of quantity fields at the top displays dynamically the quantities and sums of the item tracking numbers that you define in the window. The quantities must correspond to those of the document line, which is signified by 0 in the Undefined fields.When the document is posted, the item tracking entries are carried to the associated item ledger entries.
To select from existing serial or lot numbersWhen you are working with items that require item tracking and you are creating outbound transactions, where the items go out of inventory, you typically need to select the lot or serial numbers from those that already exist in inventory.The exact rules for handling item tracking numbers across your company are governed by the setup of the Item Tracking Code table. NoteTo handle item tracking numbers in warehouse activities, the item must be set up with SN/Lot Warehouse Tracking, as this dictates the special principles governing serial and lot numbers in the warehouse.From any outbound document, select the line that you want to select serial or lot numbers for.On the Lines FastTab, choose the Actions action, choose the Line or the Item action, and then choose the Item Tracking Lines action.In the Item Tracking Lines window, you have three options for specifying lot or serial number:.
Select the Lot No. Or Serial No. Field, and then select a number from the Item Tracking Summary window. Choose the Select Entries action. The Select Entries window shows all lot or serial numbers along with availability information.In the Selected Quantity field, enter the quantity of each lot or serial number that you would like to use.Choose the OK button, and the selected item tracking information is transferred to the Item Tracking Lines window.Type or scan in the item tracking number.The matrix of quantity fields in the header dynamically displays the quantities and sums of the item tracking numbers you define in the window. The quantities must correspond to those of the document line, which is signified by 0 in the Undefined fields.When you post the document line, the item tracking information is transferred to the associated item ledger entries.
To handle serial and lot numbers on transfer ordersProcedures for handling serial and lot numbers that are being transferred between different locations are similar to those applied when items are sold and purchased.However, the transfer order is unique in that shipment and receipt are both done from the same transfer line and, therefore, use the same instance of the Item Tracking Lines window. This means that item tracking numbers shipped from one location must be received unchanged at the other location.The exact rules for handling item tracking numbers across your company are governed by the setup of the Item Tracking Code table.Choose the icon, enter Transfer Orders, and then choose the related link.Open the transfer order you want to process. On the Lines FastTab, choose choose the Line action, choose the Item Tracking Lines action, and then choose the Shipment action.In the Item Tracking Lines window, assign or select serial or lot numbers as for any other outbound item transaction.When handling serial and lot numbers for transfer items, the items typically have numbers already assigned to them. Therefore, the process typically consists of selecting from existing serial or lot numbers.Post the transfer order, first ship and then receive, to record that the items are transferred carrying their item tracking entries.During the transfer, the Item Tracking Lines window remains locked for writing. ImportantIf you are reclassifying a lot to the same lot number but with a different expiration date, you must reclassify the entire lot, using one item reclassification journal line. If you are reclassifying more than one lot to one new lot number, meaning that you are merging more than one lot into one new lot, you must enter the same new expiration date for all the lots.
If you are reclassifying one existing lot to a second existing lot that has a different expiration date, you must use the expiration date from the second lot. If you leave the New Expiration Date field blank, the lot or serial number will be reclassified with a blank expiration date.If you have existing information on the old serial or lot number, you can copy it to the new serial or lot number. In the Item Tracking Lines window, choose the New Serial No. Information action or the New Lot No.
Information action. To copy information from the old lot or serial number, choose the Copy Info action. In the information list window, select the lot or serial number that you would like to copy from, and choose the OK button.If you want to modify the existing information for the lot or serial number, you can record lot or serial information.Post the journal to link the renewed item tracking numbers or expiration dates to the associated item ledger entrySee AlsoRecommended Content.